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Function to read data in NetCDF files created by T-NET. Permits to export only some IDs or some dates


  ID = NULL,
  date_start = NULL,
  date_end = NULL,
  variable_name = NULL,
  format_long = TRUE



Name to the NetCDF file


vector of IDs to read. if NULL, all IDs in the file will be read


Starting date as POSIXct or character. Every dates in the file before will be ignore. If NULL, first date of the file will be use.


Ending date as POSIXct or character. Every dates in the file after will be ignore. If NULL, last date of the file will be use.


If TRUE, data will be exported in a data.table with 3 colomns: Dates, ID and value. If FALSE, a data.table with dates for line and ID for colomns will be exported


a data.table with the data extracted


filename <- "path/to/"

#this will read all file
data_read <- TNETresult_read(filename)
#> Error in R_nc4_open: No such file or directory
#> Error in nc_open(filename): Error in nc_open trying to open file path/to/ (return_on_error= FALSE )

#read all dates on only some IDs
ID_toRead = c(152,365,145)
data_read <- TNETresult_read(filename, ID = ID_toRead)
#> Error in R_nc4_open: No such file or directory
#> Error in nc_open(filename): Error in nc_open trying to open file path/to/ (return_on_error= FALSE )

#read all all IDs between 2 dates in long format
data_read <- TNETresult_read(filename, date_start = "2015-08-01", date_end = "2016-07-31", format_long = TRUE)
#> Error in R_nc4_open: No such file or directory
#> Error in nc_open(filename): Error in nc_open trying to open file path/to/ (return_on_error= FALSE )