Assign a coefficients to dispatch J2000 discharge on TOPAGE segments
This function will assign a coefficients to dispatch J2000 or EROS discharge on TOPAGE segments using specific
discharge hypothesis. Theses coefficients will be used in TNET_computeQ()
and TNET_computeQlatSout()
TNETshape_computeCoefQcalc(path_segments, export_file, to_calc = c('up','down','sWS'), hydro_model = 'J2000')
- path_segments
string Path to the shapefile created by
with drained area and sub drained area of each segments.- export_file
string Path to the shapefile with results to create.
- to_calc
vector of strings Vector with
to compute upstream area drain ratio,"down"
to compute downstream area drain ratio and"sWS"
to compute sub-watershed area ratio. By default, everything is calculated.- hydro_model
string Hydrological models used for the computation. By default,
hydro_model = 'J2000'
This function will compute the coefficients used in TNET_computeQ()
and TNET_computeQlatSout()
in order to dispatch
discharge data from the used hydrological model to the Topage river network. The computation are the following
For J2000 hydrological model
1 - For discharge dispatch
Used by TNET_computeQ()
\(RppAr\_v = \frac{\text{Area drain downstream of Topage segment}}{\text{Area drain downstream of J2000 reference segment}}\)
2 - For underground discharge
Used by TNET_computeQlatSout()
\(RppA\_BV = \frac{\text{Area of the subwatershed of Topage segment}}{\text{Area of the subwatershed of J2000 reference segment}}\)
For EROS hydrological model
1 - For discharge dispatch
Used by TNET_computeQ()
\(air\_strNFS = \frac{\text{Length of all upstream segments in the sub-watershed} + \text{Length of the segment}}{\text{Sum of all segments length in the sub-Watershed}}\)
\(air\_strNIS = \frac{\text{Length of all upstream segments in the sub-watershed}}{\text{Sum of all segments length in the sub-Watershed}}\)
2 - For underground discharge
Used by TNET_computeQlatSout()
\(air\_unit = \frac{\text{Length of the segment}}{\text{Sum of all segments length in the sub-Watershed}}\)