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This function will assign a coefficients to dispatch J2000 or EROS discharge on TOPAGE segments using specific discharge hypothesis. Theses coefficients will be used in TNET_computeQ() and TNET_computeQlatSout() function.


TNETshape_computeCoefQcalc(path_segments, export_file, to_calc = c('up','down','sWS'), hydro_model = 'J2000')



string Path to the shapefile created by TNETshape_computeAreaDrain() with drained area and sub drained area of each segments.


string Path to the shapefile with results to create.


vector of strings Vector with "up" to compute upstream area drain ratio, "down" to compute downstream area drain ratio and "sWS" to compute sub-watershed area ratio. By default, everything is calculated.


string Hydrological models used for the computation. By default, hydro_model = 'J2000'




This function will compute the coefficients used in TNET_computeQ() and TNET_computeQlatSout() in order to dispatch discharge data from the used hydrological model to the Topage river network. The computation are the following

For J2000 hydrological model

1 - For discharge dispatch

Used by TNET_computeQ()

\(RppAr\_v = \frac{\text{Area drain downstream of Topage segment}}{\text{Area drain downstream of J2000 reference segment}}\)

2 - For underground discharge

Used by TNET_computeQlatSout()

\(RppA\_BV = \frac{\text{Area of the subwatershed of Topage segment}}{\text{Area of the subwatershed of J2000 reference segment}}\)

For EROS hydrological model

1 - For discharge dispatch

Used by TNET_computeQ()

\(air\_strNFS = \frac{\text{Length of all upstream segments in the sub-watershed} + \text{Length of the segment}}{\text{Sum of all segments length in the sub-Watershed}}\)

\(air\_strNIS = \frac{\text{Length of all upstream segments in the sub-watershed}}{\text{Sum of all segments length in the sub-Watershed}}\)

2 - For underground discharge

Used by TNET_computeQlatSout()

\(air\_unit = \frac{\text{Length of the segment}}{\text{Sum of all segments length in the sub-Watershed}}\)


## Run directly the function providing all info
TNETshape_computeCoefQcalc(path_segments = "path/to/segments.shp",
                           export_file = "path/to/exportFolder")
#> Error: Cannot open "path/to/segments.shp"; The file doesn't seem to exist.