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Calculate rivers width (\(Bm\)), depth (\(H\)) and water travel time (\(TPS\)) with Discharge as input data, using EstimKart formulas. Rivers width can be recalibrate using observed width at a specific discharge quantile.


  hydro_model = "J2000",
  calcul.Bm = "EK",
  shapefile_largeur = NULL,
  quantile.calc = NULL



Path to the folder containing Q created by TNET_computeQ()


Path to the shapefile with all info on segments. Columns needed are detailed in the details section.


Use only if hydro_model = 'J2000' Method to calculate width: 'EK' use EstimKart, 'EKrecal' will use estimekart and recalibrate all segments in shapefile_largeur using discharge quantile in quantile.calc.


Use only if hydro_model = 'J2000' and calcul.Bm = 'EKrecal'. Path to a shapefile with all segments to recalibrate and the width. Columns needed are detailed in the details section.


Use only if hydro_model = 'J2000' and calcul.Bm = 'EKrecal'. Quantile of discharge to use for observed river width in shapefile_largeur.


All hydraulic data (H, Bm, TPS) as NetCDF files in the folder path_data


If hydro_model = 'J2000'

With J2000 hydro models, EstimKart formulas (see reference section) are use with the mean parameter values.

River segment width (\(Bm\)):

$$Bm = ad \cdot (Qmean)^{bd} \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Qmean}\right)^{b}$$

with \(ad = 7.482\), \(bd = 0.477\), \(b = 0.148\)

River segment depth (\(H\)):

$$H = cd \cdot (Qmean)^{fd} \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Qmean}\right)^{f}$$

with \(cd = 0.340\), \(fd = 0.259\), \(f = 0.292\)

Water travel time in river segment (\(TPS\)):

$$TPS = \frac{Longueur\_m}{\left(\frac{Qaval}{H \cdot Bm}\right)} \div 3600$$


  • \(Longueur\_m\) is the length of the river segment in meters.

  • \(Qaval\) is the flow rate at the segment's outlet.

  • \(Qmean\) is the mean flow rate.

\(Bm\) formulas use on recalibrate segments is the following:

$$Bm = largeur \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Qquantile}\right)^{b}$$

with \(b = 0.148\)


  • \(largeur\) is the width of the river segment in meters provided by shapefile_largeur.

  • \(Qquantile\) is the flow quantile given at the quantile quantile.calc

Columns needed in the shapefile

\(gid\_new\)ID of the Topage segment
\(Longueur\_m\)Length of the river segment (in meter)

Columns needed in the shapefile_largeur

\(gid\_new\)ID of the Topage segment
\(largeur\)Width to recalibrate the river segment (in meter)

If 'hydro_model = 'EROS'

With EROS hydrological model, EstimKart formaulas are used with parameter values computed for each river segments.

EstimKart parameter

Constant parameter:

ad0 = 2.122, adbv = 0, adslo = -0.076, adordr = 0

bd0 = 0.475, bdq = 0, bdbv = 0, bdslo = 0, bdordr = 0

b0 = 0.125, bq = 0, bbv = 0, bslo = 0, bordr = 0

cd0 = -0.966, cdbv = 0, cdslo = -0.058, cdordr = 0

fd0 = 0.298, fdq = 0, fdbv = 0, fdslo = 0, fdordr = 0

f0 = 0.302, fq = 0, fbv = 0, fslo = 0, fordr = 0

$$sSlope = \sqrt{slope \cdot 1000}$$

$$ordre = Strahler order - 1$$

For Width computation:

$$ad = \exp\left(ad_0 + ad_{bv} \cdot \log(\text{Aire\_tronc}) + ad_{slo} \cdot sSlope + ad_{ordr} \cdot ordre\right)$$

$$bd = bd0 + bdq \cdot log(Qmean) + bdbv \cdot log(\text{Aire\_tronc}) + bdslo \cdot sSlope + bdordr \cdot ordre$$

$$b = b0 + bq \cdot log(Qmean) + bbv \cdot log(\text{Aire\_tronc}) + bslo \cdot sSlope + bordr \cdot ordre$$

For Height computation:

$$cd = exp(cd0 + cdbv \cdot log(\text{Aire\_tronc}) + cdslo \cdot sSlope + cdordr \cdot ordre)$$

$$fd = fd0 + fdq \cdot log(Qmean) + fdbv \cdot log(\text{Aire\_tronc}) + fdslo \cdot sSlope + fdordr \cdot ordre$$

$$f = f0 + fq \cdot log(Qmean) + fbv \cdot log(\text{Aire\_tronc}) + fslo \cdot sSlope + fordr \cdot ordre$$

River segment width (\(Bm\)):

if \(Bm\) is set in the shapefile: $$Bm = Bm$$

if \(nw\_b > -1\) or \(L50\_corr > -1\) or \(Q50\_corr > -1\) are set in the shapefile: $$Bm = L50\_corr \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Q50\_corr}\right)^{nw_b}$$

else: $$Bm = ad \cdot (Qmean)^{bd} \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Qmean}\right)^{b}$$

River segment depth (\(H\)):

if \(nw\_f > -1\) or \(H50\_corr > -1\) or \(Q50\_corr > -1\) are set in the shapefile: $$H = H50\_corr \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Q50\_corr}\right)^{nw_f}$$

else: $$H = cd \cdot (Qmean)^{fd} \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Qmean}\right)^{f}$$

Water travel time in river segment (\(TPS\)):

$$TPS = \frac{Longueur\_m}{\left(\frac{Qaval}{H \cdot Bm}\right)} \div 3600$$

Columns needed in the shapefile

\(OBJECTID_1\)ID of the river segment
\(OSTRAHLER\)Strahler order of the river segment
\(pente2\)Slope of the river segment
\(longueur\)Length of the river segment
\(nw\_b\)EstmiKart b parameter recalibrate for the river segment
\(nw\_f\)EstimKart f parameter recalibrate for the river segment
\(Q50\_corr\)Median discharge to use with recalibrate EstimKart formulas
\(H50\_corr\)Median height to use with recalibrate EstimKart formulas
\(L50\_corr\)Median width to use with recalibrate Estimkart formulas
\(Bm\)Measured width of the river segments
\(B\_mes\)Another measured width of the river segment
\(Aire\_tronc\)Drain area of the river segment


Maxime Morel, Doug J. Booker, Frédéric Gob, Nicolas Lamouroux, Intercontinental predictions of river hydraulic geometry from catchment physical characteristics, Journal of Hydrology,


## If we want to calculate width the normal way
TNET_computeHydraulic(path_data = path/to/data,
                      shapefile = path/to/shapefile.shp)
#> Error: object 'to' not found
## If we want to calculate width and recalibrate some segments with width at quantile = 0.99
TNET_computeHydraulic(path_data = path/to/data,
                      shapefile = path/to/shapefile.shp,
                      calcul.Bm = 'EKrecal',
                      shapefile_largeur = path/to/shapefile_width.shp,
                      quantile.calc = 0.99)
#> Error: object 'to' not found

## Using this function with TNET_initializeSim() function ##
infoSimu <- TNET_initializeSim(...)
#> Error: '...' used in an incorrect context

TNET_readJ2K(...) #Read ReachLoop.dat file
#> Error: '...' used in an incorrect context

#> Error: '...' used in an incorrect context

TNET_computeHydraulic(path_data = infoSimu$hydroPath, 
                      shapefile = infoSimu$TOPAGE_shape,
                      shapefile_largeur = infoSimu$Largeur_shape,
                      calcul.Bm =  infoSimu$Bm_method,
                      quantile.calc =  infoSimu$Bm_quantile)
#> Error: object 'infoSimu' not found