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Calculate rivers width (\(Bm\)), depth (\(H\)) and water travel time (\(TPS\)) with Discharge as input data, using EstimKart formulas. Rivers width can be recalibrate using observed width at a specific discharge quantile.


TNET_computeHydraulic(path_data, shapefile, shapefile_largeur = NULL, calcul.Bm = 'EK',quantile.calc = NULL)



Path to the folder containing Q created by TNET_computeQ()


Path to the shapefile with all info on segments. It must contain the following columns:

\(gid\_new\)ID of the Topage segment
\(Longueur\_m\)Length of the river segment (in meter)

Method to calculate width: 'EK' use EstimKart, 'EKrecal' will use estimekart and recalibrate all segments in shapefile_largeur using discharge quantile in quantile.calc.


Use only if calcul.Bm = 'EKrecal'. Path to a shapefile with all segments to recalibrate and the width. It must contain the following columns:

\(gid\_new\)ID of the Topage segment
\(largeur\)Width to recalibrate the river segment (in meter)

Use only if calcul.Bm = 'EKrecal'. Quantile of discharge to use for observed river width in shapefile_largeur.


All hydraulic data (H, Bm, TPS) as NetCDF files in the folder path_data


EstimKart formulas are the following:

River segment width (\(Bm\)): $$Bm = ad \cdot (Qmean)^{bd} \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Qmean}\right)^{b}$$ with \(ad = 7.482\), \(bd = 0.477\), \(b = 0.148\)

River segment depth (\(H\)): $$H = cd \cdot (Qmean)^{fd} \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Qmean}\right)^{f}$$ with \(cd = 0.340\), \(fd = 0.259\), \(f = 0.292\)

Water travel time in river segment (\(TPS\)): $$TPS = \frac{Longueur\_m}{\left(\frac{Qaval}{H \cdot Bm}\right)} \div 3600$$


  • \(Longueur\_m\) is the length of the river segment in meters.

  • \(Qaval\) is the flow rate at the segment's outlet.

  • \(Qmean\) is the mean flow rate.

\(Bm\) formulas use on recalibrate segments is the following: $$Bm = largeur \cdot \left(\frac{Qaval}{Qquantile}\right)^{b}$$ with \(b = 0.148\)


  • \(largeur\) is the width of the river segment in meters provided by shapefile_largeur.

  • \(Qquantile\) is the flow quantile given at the quantile quantile.calc


## If we want to calculate width the normal way
TNET_computeHydraulic(path_data = path/to/data,
                      shapefile = path/to/shapefile.shp)
#> Largeur calculé avec la méthode EstimKart non modifié/n
#> Error: object 'to' not found
## If we want to calculate width and recalibrate some segments with width at quantile = 0.99
TNET_computeHydraulic(path_data = path/to/data,
                      shapefile = path/to/shapefile.shp,
                      calcul.Bm = 'EKrecal',
                      shapefile_largeur = path/to/shapefile_width.shp,
                      quantile.calc = 0.99)
#> Error: object 'to' not found

## Using this function with TNET_initializeSim() function ##
infoSimu <- TNET_initializeSim(...)
#> Error: '...' used in an incorrect context

TNET_readJ2K(...) #Read ReachLoop.dat file
#> Error: '...' used in an incorrect context

#> Error: '...' used in an incorrect context

TNET_computeHydraulic(path_data = infoSimu$hydroPath, 
                      shapefile = infoSimu$TOPAGE_shape,
                      shapefile_largeur = infoSimu$Largeur_shape,
                      calcul.Bm =  infoSimu$Bm_method,
                      quantile.calc =  infoSimu$Bm_quantile)
#> Error: object 'infoSimu' not found