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This function will create all working folders and regroup all info needed by TnetRUI TNET set function in one list.


  hydro_model = "J2000",
  weather_model = "SAFRAN",



string Name of the simulation


numeric Starting year for the simulation


numeric Ending year for the simulation


string Name of the hydrological model used ('J2000' or 'EROS')


string Name of the meteological model used ('SAFRAN')


string Path to the shapefile with rivers to use for TNET.


string Path where the simulation forlder will be created.


string Path to the C++ TNET folder (must finish by "/sources" folder).


a list of arguments detailed in details section


Export Folder organisation
The organisation of the working folder created is the following:

     |______ nameSimu
                 |_________ Constant (constantPath)
                 |_________ hydro    (hydroPath)
                 |_________ Safran   (safranPath)
                 |_________ Shape    (shapePath)
                 |_________ tmp      (path_Export_tmp)

This folder organisation is what's expected in order to T-NET to work. More info on T-NET wiki
The tmp folder will be used for files created but not used by T-NET (such as all files created by TNET_readJ2K() or TNET_readEROS())

Argument in returned list
All the arguments in the return list are the following:

Argument nameCreated withTnetRUI function that use itinfo
startSimuyearStartTNET_readSAFRAN() TNET_readJ2K() TNET_run()Start of simulation in POSIXct format
endSimuyearEndTNET_readSAFRAN() TNET_readJ2K() TNET_run()End of simulation in POSIXct format
hydro_modelhydro_modelPath to the folder containing J2K results (ReachLoop.dat and HRULoop.dat)
weather_modelweather_modelPath to the folder containing J2K results (ReachLoop.dat and HRULoop.dat)
shapefileshapefileTNET_readSAFRAN() TNET_computeQ() TNET_computeHydraulic() TNET_computeQlatSout() TNET_computeTnappe() TNET_modifyVeget() TNET_createShape()Path to shapefile with all river segment info
path_Exportpath_Export-Folder where the simulation is saved.
path_Export_tmppath_ExportTNET_readJ2K() TNET_computeQ() TNET_computeQlatSout()Folder where temporary files will be exported.
TNET_pathTNET_pathTNET_run()Path to the T-NET C++ code (must finish by '/sources')
shapePathpath_ExportTNET_run()Folder where shapefile use by T-NET will be exported.
constantPathpath_ExportTNET_run()Folder where constant files use by T-NET will be exported.
safranPathpath_ExportTNET_run() TNET_readSAFRAN()Folder where SAFRAN files use by T-NET will be exported.
hydroPathpath_ExportTNET_run() TNET_computeQ() TNET_computeHydraulic() TNET_computeQlatSout() TNET_computeTnappe()Folder where Hydraulic and discharge files use by T-NET will be exported.
shapeNamenameSimu, path_ExportTNET_run()Name of the shapefile saved in safranPath

Arguments needed by Hydrological model

All arguments to add in the TNET_initializeSim() function if the hydrological model used is J2000

Argument nameTnetRUI function that use itinfo
path_J2KResultTNET_readJ2K() TNET_computeQlatSout()mandatory Path to the folder containing J2K results (ReachLoop.dat and HRULoop.dat)
Bm_methodTNET_computeHydraulic()mandatory Method that will be use to estimate river segments width. can be
path_J2KparameterTNET_readJ2K() TNET_computeQlatSout()optional Path to the folder with J2000 parameter files (.par). By default it's path_J2KResult.
Largeur_shapeTNET_computeHydraulic()optional Path to the shapefile with some rivers mesured width. Needed only when Bm_method = 'EKrecal'
quantile.BmTNET_computeHydraulic()optional Quantile of discharge where all width in Largeur_shape was mesured. Needed only when Bm_method = 'EKrecal'

All arguments to add in the TNET_initializeSim() function if the hydrological model used is EROS

Argument nameTnetRUI function that use itinfo
path_QcontributifTNET_readJ2K() TNET_computeQlatSout()mandatory Path to the .txt file containing contributory flow of each EROS subwatershed.
path_QcumTNET_computeHydraulic()mandatory Path to the .txt file containing totalized flow of each EROS subwatershed.
path_QnappeTNET_readJ2K() TNET_computeQlatSout()mandatory Path to the .txt file containing underground flow of each EROS subwatershed.
date_start_dataTNET_computeHydraulic()mandatory - string Date of the first day of the data in the EROS files. (at the format %Y-%m-%d)
Arguments needed by the weather model
All arguments to add in the TNET_initializeSim() function if the weather model used is SAFRAN
Argument nameTnetRUI function that use itinfo
path_SAFRANTNET_readSAFRAN()mandatory Path to the folder with all hourly SAFRAN NetCDF files.


infoSimu <- TNET_initializeSim(nameSimu = 'Present_2010_2021',
                              yearStart = 2010,
                              yearEnd = 2021,
                              TOPAGE_shape = "/home/ghevin/Documents/TempoVeget/Travail/1_Couplage_TopageJ2000V8/Result/Couplage_J2000V8_Topage.shp",
                              path_J2KResult = "/home/ghevin/Documents/Projet_Saone/1_TOPAGE_T-NET/data/Pass_8/J2000/Final_1970_2021_V5",
                              path_SAFRAN = '/run/user/9109/gvfs/smb-share:server=ly-data.inra.local,share=ly-unites/Riverly/Hhly/Entrepothh_depot/SAFRAN/NEW/hourly_raw',
                              path_Export = "/home/ghevin/Documents/T-NET/Results/Rresults",
                              calcul.Bm = 'EKrecalc',
                              Largeur_shape = "/home/ghevin/Documents/Projet_Saone/1_TOPAGE_T-NET/data/Pass_8/Largeur_Herve_Pella/Largeur_troncons_hydrographique_decoup_OStrahler.shp",
                              quantile.Bm = 0.99,
                              TNET_path = '/home/ghevin/Documents/T-NET/Code/TNET/sources',)
#> Error in TNET_initializeSim(nameSimu = "Present_2010_2021", yearStart = 2010,     yearEnd = 2021, TOPAGE_shape = "/home/ghevin/Documents/TempoVeget/Travail/1_Couplage_TopageJ2000V8/Result/Couplage_J2000V8_Topage.shp",     path_J2KResult = "/home/ghevin/Documents/Projet_Saone/1_TOPAGE_T-NET/data/Pass_8/J2000/Final_1970_2021_V5",     path_SAFRAN = "/run/user/9109/gvfs/smb-share:server=ly-data.inra.local,share=ly-unites/Riverly/Hhly/Entrepothh_depot/SAFRAN/NEW/hourly_raw",     path_Export = "/home/ghevin/Documents/T-NET/Results/Rresults",     calcul.Bm = "EKrecalc", Largeur_shape = "/home/ghevin/Documents/Projet_Saone/1_TOPAGE_T-NET/data/Pass_8/Largeur_Herve_Pella/Largeur_troncons_hydrographique_decoup_OStrahler.shp",     quantile.Bm = 0.99, TNET_path = "/home/ghevin/Documents/T-NET/Code/TNET/sources",     ): argument "shapefile" is missing, with no default