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Create the shapefile to be read by T-NET with good columns names


TNET_createShape(shapefile, shapefileExport)



Path to the shapefile with all segments info (see details for all column names)


Path where the resulting shapefile will be written


Column to keep from the shapefile. These columns will not be use by T-NET, but can be useful in other function (as TNET_modifyVeget())


a shapefile (.shp) in TNET format


Table of Column Mappings:

Columns name in shapefileRename for T-NETUse in T-NETinfo
gid_newgidALLID of the Topage segment
ID_ND_FINND_INIALLID of the final node of the segment.
ID_ND_ININD_FINALLID of the initial node of the segment.
RG_PCT_VEGvegPctLSFPercentage of the river segment covered by vegetation on left bank
RD_PCT_VEGvegPctRSFPercentage of the river segment covered by vegetation on right bank
RG_H_MOYvegHLSFMean High of vegetation on left bank
RD_H_MOYvegHRSFMean High of vegetation on right bank
XcentrXSFX coordinate of the center of the segment (degrees)
YcentrYSFY coordinate of the center of the segment (degrees)
phi_degSFOrientation of the segment in degrees (North = 0°, South = 180°, East = 90°, Weast = 270°)
Longueur_mL_kmALLLength of the segment (converted in km)
ID_M_1id_M_1SAFRANID of the SAFRAN grid n°1 where the segment is located
ID_M_2id_M_2SAFRANID of the SAFRAN grid n°2 where the segment is located
ID_M_3id_M_3SAFRANID of the SAFRAN grid n°3 where the segment is located
ID_M_4id_M_4SAFRANID of the SAFRAN grid n°4 where the segment is located
ID_M_5id_M_5SAFRANID of the SAFRAN grid n°5 where the segment is located
ID_M_6id_M_6SAFRANID of the SAFRAN grid n°6 where the segment is located
ID_M_7id_M_7SAFRANID of the SAFRAN grid n°7 where the segment is located
ID_M_8id_M_8SAFRANID of the SAFRAN grid n°8 where the segment is located
Rap_M_1SAFRANPart of the segment located in SAFRAN grid n°1
Rap_M_2SAFRANPart of the segment located in SAFRAN grid n°2
Rap_M_3SAFRANPart of the segment located in SAFRAN grid n°3
Rap_M_4SAFRANPart of the segment located in SAFRAN grid n°4
Rap_M_5SAFRANPart of the segment located in SAFRAN grid n°5
Rap_M_6SAFRANPart of the segment located in SAFRAN grid n°6
Rap_M_7SAFRANPart of the segment located in SAFRAN grid n°7
Rap_M_8SAFRANPart of the segment located in SAFRAN grid n°8


## Using this function with TNET_initializeSim() function ##
infoSimu <- TNET_initializeSim(...)
#> Error: '...' used in an incorrect context

TNET_createShape(shapefile = infoSimu$TOPAGE_shape,
                 shapefileExport = infoSimu$shapeName)     
#> Error: object 'infoSimu' not found

# If a vegetation modification is needed
# TNET_modifyVeget(infoSimu$shapeName,...)