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This function will execute all TNETshape function in order to prepare the river network for TNET computation.


TNETshape_prepare(path_segments, path_node, path_SafranGRID, path_DEM, export_file,...)



Path to the shapefile with segments to merge.


Path to the shapefile with all segments nodes.


Path to the shapefile with all SAFRAN GRID IDs.


Path to the raster DEM used for drain area calculation.


Path to the shapefile with results to create.


can be 'J2000' or 'EROS' depending on the hydrological model used.


All arguments to be past to other function. All arguments used are the following:

ArgumentsFunction using it
ID_specialTNETshape_computeAreaDrain() (if hydro_model = 'J2000')
all other arguments will be ignored


This function will execute all TNETshape function with all arguments and order as intended by the package author, in order to:

Just for clarification, all function in TNETshape functions are independentes, so they can be launch in every order, not only in the order configure in this function. Only TNETshape_computeCoefQcalc() used results from TNETshape_computeAreaDrain() or TNETshape_computeUpstreamLength() depending on the hydrological model used.


## Run directly the function providing all info
TNETshape_prepare(path_segments = "path/to/segments.shp",
                  path_node = "path/to/nodes.shp",
                  path_SafranGRID = "path/to/SafranGRID.shp",
                  path_DEM = "path/to/DEM.tif",
                  export_file = "path/to/exportFolder")
#> Warning: cannot create dir 'path/to', reason 'No such file or directory'
#> Warning: cannot create dir 'path/to/tmp', reason 'No such file or directory'
#> Warning: cannot create dir 'path/to/tmp/tmp_wbt', reason 'No such file or directory'
#> Warning: GDAL Error 4: path/to/DEM.tif: No such file or directory
#> Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)): error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 'res': Cannot create a RasterLayer object from this file. (file does not exist)